
Welcome on my website. After a professional journey of 30 years as a coach, healer, and teacher, in 2024 I retreated to my studio to share my knowledge and experience of the energetic world behind our earthly reality through my writing and art. I create paintings and sculptures with the intention of making the invisible visible, both in free work and in commissioned pieces, in both figurative and abstract forms. My creations arise from the soul—my own soul, as well as the souls of my models, my clients, and the planet. I am also working with words and images on a new book about the order of the Universe and my experiences with multidimensional constellations. You can read my story in the trilogy Letters from My Soul.



The 'Letters from My Soul' trilogy is the story of my quest for healing for chronic fatigue and the personal development that it triggered on all levels of my being.

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A few times a year, I share current insights and experiences taken from diary fragments and channelings about the process of personal growth and the transformation that we as humanity go through.

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In my figurative paintings I seek the connection between human beings and their souls. I also experiment with abstract techniques.

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Prints and Notebooks

Some of my paintings are available as Glicee print or as notebooks, with good paper, a nice size and a high quality finish.

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Finally home

As a child I was regularly in my aunt’s artist studio. I made my first sculptures when I was 8 years old.

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My journey

What people say

Video's & podcasts

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